Button and Snap Machines
Hand Press Button Machine #1920A
Hand Press Attaching Dies 2 piece
Hand Held Snap Machine with Die
Dies only for Hand Held Snap Machine
Bench Mount Snap Machine PM-5
Dies only – 4 piece for Snap Machine PM-5
Dies Snap Parts A&B only Bench Mount PM-5
Dies Snap Parts B&C only Bench Mount PM-5
HV Handheld Snap Machine
For on-the-job attachment of snap fasteners or our self-piercing grommets of sizes #0, #1, or #2.
The PM-5 machine is a standard industry bench-mounted machine. It is made of tough ductile iron and has a deep throat and longer padded handle. This machine uses standard 3/8″ diameter shank dies that set grommets, washers, and snap fasteners in one motion, swiftly
and efficiently.